How To Prepare A Dad For A Photoshoot

We have a Father’s Day today in Switzerland and I thought it is a good day to write about dads and how to make the photosession experience a little bit more bearable (I believe that’s the right word!) for them.

Let’s be honest, there is no many men out there who would be excited about the photoshoot. And very often while they do understand the need of having their wedding recorded, they do not perceive the value of the family session in exactly the same way. Even if they agree in principal it never seems to be a good time, for them, to do it.

Contrary to a common belief, being a good family photographer is not about being good with the camera, it is about connecting with people. It is the hardest, the most challenging but also the most rewarding part… and, honestly, I simply love it! So here are my, taken from years of experience, tips on how to get the dads on board.

Let’s Show Him Empathy

It is always important to understand what is an underlying cause of him being against the photosession. It might be the previous experience of awkward and exhausting posing, the scary unknown (if that is your first session ever) or simply the embarrassing fact of being in front of camera which, let’s face it, make most of us, including me, very uncomfortable.

So just sit down with your hubby and listen to his concerns, try to understand where he is coming from. Then tell him about my session style (you have all the Q&As in my offer and preparation guide) and the fun I promise. Let him know you get it… that sometimes the sessions stress you out too. Tell him that the reason you chose me is because a “stress-free” experience is what I deliver to my clients.

Tell Him What To Expect

So now when he knows that you care it is easier for him to listen. After you read my guide you know what to expect during a photoshoot with me but (unless he read it too) he simply doesn’t. And knowing what to expect really empowers men to handle the entire process better. So here are some typical things to expect:

  • Few days before the photoshoot you will ask him about his opinion about the outfits. He probably doesn’t care but men can surprise us too.

  • Just before the session you both might feel a bit nervous and the kids always have this abnormal ability to sense it so the probability of their melt downs is quite high too. Reassure him it is all very, very normal. One tip I always have is to put on some favourite, cheerful music while you are getting ready - it never fails to lift the mood!

  • Tell him earlier what help you will need from him. Be precise and upfront so he is not surprised. The men are task oriented in general but can hardly read our minds, he will prefer the list (keep it short) instead of very general request for help.

Let’s Involve Him

Including your hubby in the process of organising your shoot gives him more ownership and reduces the stress of unknown. Nobody likes to be told what to do so you cannot expect he will just go along with it. Starting with the questionnaire he can have his say about the location and date so he will be less surprised when it finally comes (keep reminding him though! ). Also he can choose which activities he wants to do with the kids (up in the sky, flying the plane, twirling his little girl etc) . It really helps when he realises it is all about snapshots of having a family fun together rather than awkward posing.

And that is really it, no more no less, your job before the session. And once we start our shoot I am taking over ;) I hope it helps!